torsdag den 8. september 2011

10 unfounded beliefs about the currency market

10 unfounded beliefs about the currency market

1. People were born tradeurs: While personal characteristics facilitate the exchange, no one is born a tradeur. Almost none of tradeurs successful has been the success of his debut. They all worked hard to achieve profits.

2. You must have a high IQ to trade: Simply not true. In some ways, a higher IQ may be an obstacle. The trade is a human activity where the performance of intellectual ability is useless.

3.The "Top Traders" are successful because they have a personality of trading: The research was unable to find a strong correlation between personality type and commercial success. It is important, however, understand your personal characteristics and how they can help you on the currency market.

4. The trade is simple: Many people believe that trade is just a few lines on the chart, monitor your indicators, and follow the price bars. The truth is that trade is an activity difficult to control. It involves different skills and capabilities of what is required in most other professions and careers. The trader must understand its strengths and limitations and develop skills to cope with mental and emotional demands of trading.

5. You must trader without fear: It's hype. Tradeurs the most successful that I know do their research quietly, studying maps, and wait patiently for the right time.

6. You have no emotions trader: If you are human, it's impossible. More importantly, when you understand your emotions, you will realize that they are active, not passive. The real keys are to be aware of how your emotions influence your trading and interact, and develop the skills necessary to tolerate them.

7. Top tradeurs generally due on the market: The top Traders they know many casualties. They are at the top because they have a risk management strategy, and they have developed a psychological advantage that allows them to be unperturbed by the loss. Most of their transactions consists of modest gains and losses very low.

8. The "Paper Trading" is useless, it's not a real trade: If you do not will trade on paper, you make yourself a disservice. Why limit your training and experience? This technique allows you to trade remain strong, you will learn the conditions under which your business ideas work best. Where else can you get such studies vital?

9. Master the technical skills leads to success: This is where most tradeurs spend most of their time, but this is only part of the image. You also develop skills important performance. Tradeurs should conscript the time in learning to develop their psychological advantage as they do to develop their technical exchange.

10. The Trading is stressful: It can certainly be stressful, and it is certainly stressful for many traders. It need not be. The successful tradeurs have little importance on the trades. Their focus is on the long term. They know that if they give great importance to aspects of the negotiation, they will be under their control.

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